With the continuous development of the social economy, the steel market is gradually growing and growing, and it is a trusted and recognized existence. Among them, u-shaped steel is one of the more common steel products, and the specific residual force detection technology of u-shaped steel, I can summary it for you.
Whether u-shaped steel has residual stress can be detected by the corresponding method, mainly damage detection and non-destructive testing. The difference is whether to destroy the sample, but there are many specific methods. For example, the blind hole method, which belongs to the damage detection method, drills a small hole in the u-shaped steel with residual stress, so that the field of the hole is deformed correspondingly due to partial stress release, and the original stress at the hole is obtained by conversion.
Whether the u-shaped steel has residual stress can also be detected by synchrotron radiation, and the wave generated by electromagnetic radiation is used to determine the change of the atomic spacing on the surface of the part to derive the residual stress. When measuring the rasidual stress, different cystal faces can be selected and different depths can be measured. Non-destructive measurement of residual stress with high spatial resolution can be carried out and some in-situ experiments can be carried out in combination with the test rig. The disadvantage is that the floor space is large due to the use of multi-stage accelerators. High operating input costs.
Through the above summary, I hope to help customers and friends understand the use of u-shaped steel, enrich your purchase and installation support, to know about other aspects of u-steel, you can call our company.
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