To a certain extent, the use of rock bolts eliminates hidden dangers in safety production and reduces the labor intensity of employees. Safety and stability are also important indicators of rock bolts. What are the main factors that affect the stability of rock bolts?
A. Roadway surrounding rock hardness
The hardness of the surrounding rock of the roadway determines the support function. If the surrounding rock is soft, the deformation will occur, which will make the maintenance of the roadway more difficult. If the hardness of the surrounding rock is strong, the load capacity of the natural surrounding rock Strong, the stability of the roadway is relatively high, such a roadway is easy to maintain. The hardness of the surrounding rock of the roadway actually determines the load capacity of the surrounding rock. A strong load capacity is sufficient, so the maintenance effect is good.
B. In-situ stress
In-situ stress includes dead weight stress, geotectonic stress, and mining concentrated stress. Dead weight stress refers to the stress caused by the weight of the rock and soil itself. The strength of this stress is determined by the weight of the rock and the burial depth. If the distance between the roadway and the ground is large, the surrounding rock will be more easily deformed and the stability of the relative surrounding rock will be reduced. Therefore, the burial depth of the roadway has a great impact on the stability of the surrounding rock. Geological tectonic stress refers to the stress required to form a certain structural system in geology. If the tectonic stress is large, the faster the development of the geological structure, the lower the development degree of the surrounding rock, and the worse the stability of the surrounding rock of the roadway. Mining concentrated stress refers to the stress experienced during coal mining. When the distance between the roadway and the coal mining section is close, the mining stress will be very large. This mining stress is directly related to the coal seam roadway and the thickness of the coal. Under the influence of the pressure of the coal seam, the surrounding rock of the roadway will also be affected by the stress from coal mining, and will be squeezed by two kinds of forces at the same time, which will affect the stability of the roadway.
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